While we like to look at every day as a gift, there are some days that are not overly exciting. Today we got to do the juggling routine of trying to keep a consistent workout schedule while also tending to the other "W" word -
work!!! We also have Steve's folks staying with us for his niece's graduation, so time is a little tight. One nice thing about company, though, is that it forced us to fix up a few things in the house that we have been avoiding like the plague. There is always that fine balance between play time and house work - sorry, but play time wins hands down!
On to the fun stuff. K was able to sneak out before work and do a 5 mile run up and over Flying W and S was able to get in some trails at Ute Valley Park after work this evening. Got to see the first rattler of the season on the trail in Ute - it is that time! We went from waiting for it to warm up to try and run without a heavy shirt, to planning time around the heat and intense sun at altitude.
Here is a parting shot from Monday - miss Sage enjoying the trails near Pike National Forest not far from home.
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero