We had to get moving to get our run in today - as you can see from the photo below, the clouds rolled out really early today. The spot above the word 'Garden' in the photo is normally occupied by the massive Pikes Peak, however today the clouds had already hidden it from our view. By the way, next weekend about 2600 people will be attempting to conquer the
Peak. Saturday is the Pikes Peak Ascent - approximately 8000' vertical gain in 13 miles. Yikes!! For those who require a bit more abuse than the Ascent, Sunday is the Pikes Peak Marathon - all the delight of the climb up, plus the pure joy of shredding your quads on the 8000' drop on the way back down!!! Good luck to all and hope for no SNOW on the Peak next weekend.

It was more of a gray day today, which is somewhat what our legs felt like after yesterday's long run - a little baked. The humidity is killing us - what's up with that? We can't figure out how to breathe in this stuff - do you need gills? We want our high-altitude, thin, dry air back!

It is hard not to enjoy a run in the Garden, baked legs or not. Many of the trails in our region have a decomposed granite surface - it is like running (or riding) on marbles. However, after the rains, the trails were great and a bit on the tacky side - we have not seen mud since the snow melted this spring but we had some today.

Some of the greenery is snapping back to life in the park - amazing what a nice drink will do for even desert-adapted plant life.

Kathleen stretches her legs on a nice section of the Ute trail.

Steve on a short, rocky descent on the Niobrara trail.

Kathleen climbing with a couple of the park's signature rock formations in the background.

Had to stop back for a group photo after the run. It was a fine day on the trails and we never tire of running in the Garden of the Gods. You must definitely visit the park if you are in Colorado Springs!