If you’re lucky enough to be in the mountains, you’re lucky enough!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thankful ... And there's no place like Home!

We're home.  After 6 days of refugee living, Happy Trails Central is re-occupied!  We are extremely thankful and blessed that our home, and those of our neighbors, were completely unharmed.  There is so much going through our hearts and minds right now that it may be a bit before it can be composed into a meaningful post, but we have to thank all our running peeps who have emailed, called, sent texts, etc. offering help, encouragement, and at times, humor to help us through these past days.  You guys are awesome.

In the mean time, as we celebrate our safe harbor, please continue to remember the 347 families who lost their homes, all within 1 - 2 miles of our house.  And also, we would be remiss if we did not give a huge shout out to the 1500+ people who are battling this fire on our behalf.  We are unbelievably grateful.  Here are a few pics to help you visualize their efforts and thank you so much again to all the firefighters and law enforcement who have fought to keep us safe!

Fighting the blaze in Mountain Shadows
Sleeping on the front lines...
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